Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Life begins again at 50!

Life does not end at 50. In fact, it is the start of something new. A famous magazine recently announced that it is banning the term "aging" when referring to women in their late 40's and beyond. We are in agreement to this, simply because the time is ripe for a culture embracing the grace and glory of these women in their "golden years". To feel happy and satisfied with whatever you've got is great, but, we simply cannot brush reality aside. Truly, it is at this age that confidence will be at its finest, and it is also the age where women will begin to wonder why they are slowly feeling some remarkable changes in their skin. It may be hard to admit, but menopause, is there before us, gnawing with its ill consequences. Sometimes, it gets a bit frustrating for these amazing women (who should be feeling free and elated at these times!). As our beloved hormone called Estrogen plummets, the skin loses its natural hydration and moisture. Sad, but this should not be a big issue, as there are many ways to face this challenge. If, and only if, you know how to confront the problem head on.

Actually, there is no need to drastically change your current skin regimen. You just need to check if the items that you are using are still applicable to the changes that are happening to your skin (the post-menopausal syndrome). Check the labels, and the ingredients. You see, at this stage of life, you just deserve more, in value and in effects. Gone are the carefree days when we simply don't care.

Here are some of the tips which can be very helpful to restore that youthful vibrance and glow:

1.Clean your face gently! - Wash your face with mild, chemical-free soaps. At this age, since the skin is dry due to loss of collagen, it is more susceptible to skin problems like rashes, acne, and inflammation which sad to say, speed up aging. Using soap or facial cleansers laden with toxic ingredients will do your skin more harm than good.

2. Exfoliate regularly – Skin cell regeneration is at its slowest pace at these ages. Tolerance for strong substances is low. You should use mild treatments like organic masks, and soaps with exfoliating ingredients to remove the dead skin cells and allow fresh cells to grow.

3. Moisturize (lavishly!) – As your skin becomes more sensitive, and drier, your best choice is to always keep your skin moisturized. The steady decline in Estrogen causes collagen production to drop so you need to hydrate and boost your skin’s natural glow.

4. Eye Cream is a must! – The skin around our eye area is one of the most sensitive parts of our face. It is thinner and wrinkles and folds easily, showing fine lines that indicate dryness. Others will notice dark circles and what they call crow’s feet around the eyes. These can be managed by choosing the right treatment that is rich in collagen-boosting properties. Be very careful though as some substances will not only harm your skin, but will just worsen the problem.

5. Eat lightly and stay happy! – The key to rejuvenated skin lies not just on the skin treatments. Keeping tab of what goes inside your body is very important. Be conscious of your daily food intake, focusing more on vegetables and fruits. Drink the required 8 glasses of water per day and do some brisk walking when you have the chance (it clears your mind too!). Real beauty simply goes beyond the surface. Most of the time, it emanates from deep within you. Smile often, and you’ll see that inner happiness radiate from you (rubbing it off to others too!). Soon, they will notice the difference and they will start to ask you, "Hey gorgeous, what's your secret for looking young and beautiful? (Despite your real age!). Far from being offended, you will definitely feel proud of this accolade.

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